Floating Letters by Dorit

Hebrew Floating Letters Plaque by Dorit, Synagogue Decoration, Shema Yisrael Wall Hanging, If I Forget Thee Jerusalem.

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Floating Letters Judaica Wall Decorations

Dorit Klein, working under the name of Dorit Judaica, has enriched Jewish homes the world over with her enormous creativity and love of Hebrew texts. Now, she presents us with her “floating letters plaques” – an amazing technique that places focus directly on the text. The plaque, attached at a slight distance from the wall, creates shadows behind the letters, giving a floating impression.

There is a wide choice of texts and sizes. There are plaques featuring well-known prayers, familiar blessings for the home and place of work, beloved Biblical verses and heartfelt greetings. Their impressive appearance makes them the perfect choice for synagogues, schools or public places. They make stunning gifts – for a business associate, a doctor or a friend or relative. Beautify your home with a Floating Letter Plaque highlighting a Biblical verse or blessing that is meaningful and close to your heart.

Scroll through the selection and enjoy the striking effect of the clear cut letters. Dorit breathes life into beautiful words and verses. There is a choice of “If I forget Thee O’ Jerusalem” plaques. Shema Yisrael and the Priestly Blessing are also popular. Admire the single word plaques featuring the word “Jerusalem” and “Shalom.” There are beautiful blessings for the home and places of work. A delicate Eishet Chayil plaque with a floral decoration in the center will make a delightful presentation.

For something more colorful, you will find here a choice of delicately colored home blessings, Anna Be’koach, Eishet Chayil and Welcome signs. Highlight your sink with an elegant “Al Netilat Ya’dayim” sign. Adapting the popular Japanese origami style, Dorit presents us with exquisite wall blessings.

Wherever it stands, a Dorit Judaica’s Floating Letters Plaques will be a source of joy and inspiration, re-affirming Jewish identity and inner spiritual strength, bringing light to the world.

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1 Imrei Baruch st. Bnei Brak 56109 Israel