
Showing 1-32 out of 227 items
Showing 1-32 out of 227 items

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Avner Agayof Israeli Artist

Avner Agayof, an acclaimed Israeli artist in Jerusalem creates modernistic, even futuristic Judaica items using skilled metalwork techniques. His streamlined designs and muted colors form sleek and pleasing items. His candlestick collection is available in large and travelling versions for your convenience. Each set comes in a few beautiful colors in an understated elegant fashion. His travelling Menoras can be dismantled into a small cube or stack, then reconstructed as your whim dictates, you can change around the colors for each day of Hanukah. Some even form puzzles. The Kiddush fountains and cups are sleek, drawing your eye to their form and color. They make a beautiful gift for a new groom. The Wash Cups are geometric in shape and Art Deco in style, forming a dramatic statement. The Havdalah sets are a celebration of modern art, formed from anodised aluminium in aangular contours. His Mezuzah cases are whimsical and also make use of symmetrical shapes. Other items include Tzedaka Boxes, Torah Pointers, Challah Knives, Purim Groggers and much more.

Copyright 2002-today
1 Imrei Baruch st. Bnei Brak 56109 Israel