Children Music

Hebrew Music on CD and DVD for Children

Music, a language without words, speaks to children and the child within us. It plays a major role in the life of the Jew – in the Synagogue or at home, on Shabbat and Festivals, in prayer or ceremony. Whenever and wherever, music is an integral feature of Jewish tradition connecting the past and the future, the young and the old. Through song, a Jew expresses the joyous spirit of his soul.

Capturing the love of song is aJudaica’s selection of CD’s and DVD’s focused on song, stories and humor for the young and the young in heart. We offer a choice of song, dance discs that include the ever-popular favorites we recall with nostalgia together with lots of new songs and suggestions for fun activities.

Our “Welcome Guest” DVD dramatizes the Shabbat experiences and brings life and vibrancy to the Shabbat traditions, from lighting candles to the havdalah recitation.

If you enjoy a good story – and who doesn’t – you will love Miriam Roth’s story, and lots more entertainment, related by Yaron London and Nurit Golrin on the CD called “A tale of Five Baloons.”

The perfect DVD to entertain the kids on a cold wet day is “Bubble Gum Seeds” from Dafna Dekel. There are lots songs, adventure and surprises that will keep the kids entranced to the screen for the full 50 minutes and beyond. Michal Tzafir, another well-known Israeli actress and entertains, has lots of messages, stories and entertainment for the kids on her DVD’s. All presented on the attractive background of a tree trunk and much more. Datia Ben Dor’s DVD sets stories to music and enthralls the children – and adults too. Her “Songs of Joy” is certain to become a beloved favorite.

If you grew up in Israel and want to share the songs of your childhood with your children, then you will love “Come to me Butterfly” from the popular entertainer Penia Berstein. It’s a wonderful way to brush up on the Hebrew and at the same time to join the lore of Israeli folk song and music. Another CD is a disc of 100 Israeli songs for the young.

Our CD’s or DVD’s will make a perfect gift – for guests, for the children of your hostess or for your own precious children. So, take a few moments off from your busy schedule. Sit with the kids and enjoy the interaction with music, song and dance. Enjoy the return to the idyllic world of childhood fun expressed through song and dance.

Copyright 2002-today
1 Imrei Baruch st. Bnei Brak 56109 Israel