Rosh Hashanah by Emanuel

Beautify your Rosh Hashanah table with these original and meaningful decorations. These honey dish holders serve to enhance the tradition of welcoming the New Year with honey.

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Rosh Hashanah Traditions

The special foods of Rosh Hashanah are steeped in ritual and tradition. The most well- known, forever associated with this Festival, are honey and pomegranates. Challah and slices of apple are dipped into delicious sweet honey and a special prayer is recited asking for a sweet good year.

Honey Dish

Add to your Holiday table. Celebrate the New Year and treat yourself to a new honey dish. If you have one already, an extra honey dish is always helpful, especially if you have guests.

A honey dish is also a delightful gift for an engagement, wedding or housewarming. Present one to your hostess. It can also be used for pomegranate seeds.

Yair Emanuel

In his innovative fashion, Yair Emanuel has designed a group of honey dishes that are pomegranate shaped. The bright red color with the seeds and pretty crown will immediately attract attention, making this a very special dish that will bring you interest and compliments. For a more classic color theme, consider the same design in silver colored aluminum in a large or small size.

A stunning honey dish in the classic Yair Emanuel style is made from wood, hand painted a distinctive royal blue and decorated with vibrant looking orange pomegranates. Shanah Tovah is written at the top in a delicate gold script. The glass dish to hold the honey can of course be detached for washing. The dish is heavily lacquered to ensure that it will give long lasting wear.

Shanah Tovah!

The custom to dip the bread and apple into honey goes back hundreds of years. Honey has always been a symbol of sweetness. So, it is appropriate that on this night of symbolism we incorporate it in the meal and recite a special prayer asking G-d to grant us a "Shanah Tovah u'Metukah" – a good sweet year.

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1 Imrei Baruch st. Bnei Brak 56109 Israel