Hand Washing Cups by Emanuel

The most perfect gift for that special host or wedding present, the Yair Emanuel collection of Netilat Yadayim Wash Cups range from colorful, traditional designs such as Jerusalem or Seven Species designs to the ultramodern cast aluminum Wash Cups.

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Showing 1-32 out of 69 items

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Yair Emaneul Hand Washing Cups

Importance of a Wash Cup

A Jew wakes up in the morning and washes his hands. Using a wash cup for ritual hand washing continues throughout the day. So, placing a wash cup alongside every sink in the home ensures that the hand washing can be properly performed in accordance with Jewish law and tradition.

Yair Emanuel Selection

Beloved Jewish artist Yair Emanuel makes hand washing a joy with his selection of wash cups. Each one is a work of art with an amazing harmony of colors that express the joy of Jewish living. The pictorial wash cups depict his hallmark themes: various views of Jerusalem or the Seven Species. Hand painted on sturdy wood, the cup is covered with layers of lacquer to ensure that the cup is fully waterproof and will give years of wear. Anodized aluminum wash cups in a choice of stunning contemporary colors, speak the language of elegance and modern décor. Their two handles ensure comfortable use. Wherever these attractive cups are placed, they will enliven and bring light to the home.

Mayim Achronim Wash Cups

Yair Emanuel also gives his attention to the ritual mayim achronim, washing of the fingers at the end of the meal. He offers two designs: elegant aluminum in a striking choice of colors or a hand painted cup featuring cheerful images of Jerusalem. Each cup comes with a matching bowl into which the water is poured.

An Addition to any Home

A Yair Emanuel wash cup ensures that the hand-washing ritual will become an attractive experience appreciated by all members of the family. Treat yourself to a cup – in your kitchen or anywhere in the home. Present one as a gift to a friend, hostess or any young couple setting up their new home. You can be sure that it will always be gratefully accepted and appreciated.

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