Chanukah Candles & Oil

Illuminate your home on Chanukah with these Chanukah candles, in a wide variety of colors and styles including dripless candles.

Showing 1-31 out of 31 items
Showing 1-31 out of 31 items

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Hanukkah is around the corner. So, it is time to make sure that you have your Menorah and the candles ready. Choose candles that will complement your Menorah and give it the prominence it deserves.

In our Chanukah Candles category, you will find a full selection of candles. Starting with the most inexpensive, there is a classic box of assorted slender colored candles, suitable for the Menorah's of young children or for the small pocket Menorahs that require narrow candles.

Moving up, there is a choice of more sturdy candles. They come in various lengths in a selection of colors. Taller candles will burn for longer and give added dignity and height to your Menorah. Let the kids choose a different color selection each evening, adding to their interest and personal involvement.

The crown of our Hanukkah candles selection are the Safed Candles, handmade in Israel. Safed (also known as Tzefat) was the center of mysticism, the spiritual light of the Jewish nation. So, it is meaningful that candles for the Festival of Lights should come from this ancient town still living its rich historical past.

Hand-crafted, they come in a choice of extraordinarily beautiful shades and hues of blues, purples, oranges and greens. Many feature stunning sculpted wax drops that give the impression that the candle is shedding tears of joy as it burns.

Each box holds 45 candles - the total number that is lit from the first day to the eighth. Beautifully boxed, these candles make stunning gifts and although intended for Hanukkah, they can be used for any joyous occasion, adding a warm and romantic glow to any table setting.

Although this is a category for candles, we have added the option for kindling the Menorah with oil – considered a praiseworthy way to beautify the Mitzvah of lighting the Menorah. You will find here all that is needed: glass inserts of various sizes and prepared floating corks with waxed wicks.

A recent innovation that is extremely popular with our customers is the pre-filled Menorah inserts. No-mess, it comes to you securely packed in a choice of sizes with an option for colors too. The glass holders are either added to your Menorah or they can be lit on their own.

We are sure that the aJudaica selection of Menorahs, candles, and accessories will enhance your Hanukkah celebrations, ensuring that the glowing lights of the Menorah radiate warmth, tradition and the joys of the Holiday.

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