Oil Menorah

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Oil Menorah

The most enhanced way of lighting the Chanukah Menorah is with oil. This is to commemorate the tiny cruse of oil which miraculously burnt for eight days instead of one, when the Jews entered the Holy Temple to rebuild it and searched for undefiled oil with which to light the Menorah. One can use our floating wicks to light in the oil, or some prefer to roll their own wicks from cotton. These Chanukiyot gently glow with a bright spiritual light. We feature the standard ones, in all sizes and in mainly traditional shapes, to the special Israeli artist ones, such as Dorit Judaica, with laser cut aluminum ones or intricately painted with oriental and colorful designs. The traditional Chabad one has a singular shape which is uniformly used by Habbad followers worldwide. There are also Star of David, geometric and diamond designs available with these popular products.

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