Jerusalem Wall Tallit

By Talitnia
Jerusalem Wall Tallit

Jerusalem Wall Tallit

By Talitnia
$47.28 - $55.40

Product Description

What more meaningful decoration for a prayer shawl than a picture of the Kotel – site of the holy Beit Hamikdash. Since there is not a moment of the day when Jews are not praying there, this Tallit will connect you to that holy place. The tallit is a comfortable polyester fabric. Around the border are words in Hebrew from the famous “Jerusalem of Gold” song that became world famous when the Kotel was captured in 1967: “The city that sits solitary and in its midst is a wall.”

The tallit comes in two sizes and there are various optional accessories to complete your purchase. You can embroider your name on the Kippah, tallit or tallit bag to give that personal touch. You also have the option to upgrade the tzizit although of course the tzizit on the tallit are 100% kosher and carry the appropriate certification.


Material: Polyester
Brand : Talitania
Made in Israel
Certified Kosher

Additional Items

Dark Blue Velvet Tallit & Tefillin Bags Set
Dark Blue Velvet Tallit Bag
White Satin Kippah
Black Velvet Kippah
Tallit Clips
Clear Heavy Duty Plastic Tallit Bag cover with zipper
Clear Heavy Duty Plastic Tefillin Bag cover with zipper
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Special Features

Techelet-Blue Thread (extra 4 days on delivery)
Handmade ashkenaz thick tzitzit (extra 4 days on delivery)
Handmade sefardi thick tzitzit (extra 4 days on delivery)
Handmade yemenite thick tzitzit (extra 4 days on delivery)
Handmade ashkenaz thin tzitzit (extra 4 days on delivery)
Handmade sefardi thin tzitzit (extra 4 days on delivery)
Embroider a name on Kippah - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to write either in Hebrew or English or both
Embroider a name on Tallit - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to write either in Hebrew or English or both
Embroider a name on Tallit Bag - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to write either in Hebrew or English or both
Embroider a name on Tefillin Bag (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to write either in Hebrew or English or both

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