
Enhance your Shabbat table with candlesticks in a variety of sizes and designs. Whether you prefer our classic designs, travelling candlesticks, ceramic or glass ones, you'll find a set for your taste in our varied collection.

Showing 1-32 out of 194 items
Showing 1-32 out of 194 items

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Candlesticks for Shabbat and Holidays

One of the items most associated with Shabbat and Holidays are candlesticks. This is the time when the Jewish woman pours her heart out in prayer, an auspicious time for her pleas, since this is one of the three Mitzvot, or commandments that the Jewish woman received and is much beloved by G-d. After the lighting ceremony, a moving prayer is recited by the mother, for the coming week, for G-d fearing children and other prayers only a mother can present. The sight of the Shabbat table graced with two gently burning candles touches our hearts and spirits, ushering in the holy day, when we spend time with our families and friends around the Shabbat table, with the glowing candles and just talk, reciting experiences from this past week, offering Torah insights, laughing and recharging our spiritual batteries. We offer the most traditional items, in materials such as pewter, nickel, ceramic, aluminium and more plus a great choice of contemporary items from favorite Israeli artists. Take, for example the Flower themed ones by Shraga Landesman, in his tribute to nature, reminiscent of the seven days of creation when all the world and it's inhabitants were created. The contemporary Agayof design utilizes vivid shades and sleek lines for an avant-garde appearance. The handcrafted pewter candlesticks by Ester Shahaf are a tribute to painstaking handwork and detailed emanel work. They are also available in folding travelling versions, all seamlessly crafted and eminently practical. Dorit Klein with her usual elegant and symmetrical design aluminium ones, which are a favorite. The classic Yair Emanuel items can be fitted into each other for a smooth rectangular shape, hand painted with Jewish themes. The filigree designs by Yealat Chen are unusual and of extremely beautiful metalwork, as is the unusual enamel on her pewter and enamel ones. Give a meaningful wedding or hostess gift with these classic Judaica items.

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1 Imrei Baruch st. Bnei Brak 56109 Israel