IDF Dog-Tags
The symbol which most represents IDF Israeli Army soldiers is the dogtag, or "diskit",with the Travelers Prayer on the reverse side. A great gift for your favorite guy!
- Star of David Necklace on Black Background, Large - Stainless Steel$5.90
- Dorit Judaica Dog Tag Necklace on Chain, Am Yisrael Chai and With Unity - Hebrew$9.45
- Israeli Army Dog Tag Necklace with Jerusalem Lion and Travelers Prayer - Bronze$13.59
- Necklace, Israeli Army Dog Tag IDF Air Force Pendant & Travel Prayer - Ball Chain$13.59
- Dorit Judaica Dog Tag Necklace on Chain, Engraved Flag and "Stand with Israel"$9.45New!
- Israeli Army Dog Tag Necklace with Chai & Travel Prayer Words on Reverse - Bronze$13.59
- Israeli Army Dog Tag Necklace, Armored Corps and Travel Prayer Words - Bronze$13.59
- Pendant Necklace, Star of David enclosing a Menorah Image – Stainless Steel$5.80
- Necklace, Israeli Army Dog Tag Metal Hamsa Pendant - Ball Chain$13.59
- Necklace, Israeli Army Paratroopers IDF Dog Tag Pendant - Ball Chain$13.59
- Necklace, Israeli Army Dog Tag Bronze Paratroopers IDF Pendant - Ball Chain$12.72
- Pendant Necklace, Double Star of David – Stainless Steel$5.80
- Necklace, Israeli Army Dog Tag Bronze Hamsa Pendant, Travel Prayer - Ball Chain$13.59
- Israeli Army Dog Tag Necklace, Chai and Travel Prayer on Reverse - Ball Chain$13.59
- Star of David Necklace with wavy and Line Design, Large – Stainless Steel$5.90
- Necklace, Israeli Army Dog Tag Peace Dove Travelers Prayer Pendant - Ball Chain$13.59
- Dorit Judaica Dog Tag Necklace on Chain, One Nation One Heart - Hebrew$9.45
- Dorit Judaica Dog Tag Necklace on Chain, Eternal Nation Does Not Fear - Hebrew$9.45
- Israeli Army Dog Tag Necklace with Jerusalem Emblem & Travel Prayer - Ball Chain$13.59
- Israeli Army Dog Tag Necklace with Peace Doves & Travel Prayer Words - Bronze$13.59
- Tree of Life Necklace in Frame with Crystal Stones, Large – Stainless Steel$5.90
- Israeli Army Dog Tag Necklace with Armored Corps and Travel Prayer - Ball Chain$13.59
- Dorit Judaica Dog Tag Necklace on Chain, One Nation One Heart - Hebrew$9.45
- Dorit Judaica Dog Tag Necklace on Chain, I Have No Other Country - Hebrew$9.45
- Dorit Judaica Dog Tag Necklace on Chain, Kohen Priestly Blessing - Hebrew$9.45
- Dorit Judaica Dog Tag Necklace with Chain, Eternal Nation Has No Fear - Hebrew$9.45
- Dorit Judaica Dog Tag Necklace on Chain, Eternal Nation is Not Afraid - Hebrew$9.45
- Dorit Judaica Dog Tag with Chain, Mother's Heroine (for Female) - Hebrew$9.45
- Dorit Judaica Dog Tag Necklace with Chain, Mother's Hero (for Male) - Hebrew$9.45
The need for identification tags dates back to the American Civil War when thousands of soldiers gave their lives for their country but there was no way to identify them. Soon afterwards, all soldiers had to wear identifying discs, nicknamed “dog tags.” The name remained.
Today, soldiers in the IDF receive two dog tags. One is wore unbroken around the neck and the other is broken into two halves and each half is inserted in the military boots.
DOG TAGS NECKLACESResponding to popular demand, aJudaica presents a selection of imitation IDF dog-tags – a reminder of the tags worn by Israeli soldiers in combat time, allowing for easy identification in the unfortunate event of death or injury.
THE SELECTIONYou will find in our selection a choice of soldiers’ identifying metal discs – durable and long lasting metal, colored bronze or pewter. On each one is engraved the letters Z.H.L., acronym for Tzavah Haganah Le’Yisrael, Israel’s Defense Forces with the familiar letters I.D.F. underneath. There is a choice of designs. You will find a Star of David, Menorah, Chai, Hamsas and a peace dove. There is the logo of the I.D.F. logo or the Jerusalem Municipality. Others display the emblem of the paratroopers, air force or armored corps. Each tag comes with a stainless steel ball chain length 26.5” / 68 cm. On the reverse side you will find an extract from the “Tefillat HaDerech,” the well-known Traveler’s Prayer recited at the start of a long trip requesting Divine protection for our journey.
WHY A DOG TAGAn AJudaica dog tag is a fantastic souvenir. It is beautiful way to express your support for Israel’s army and your appreciation of the soldiers’ bravery as they defend and protect the country. Whether for yourself, a friend or a dear one, an I.D.F. dog tag pendant necklace will strengthen your pride in Israel’s armed forces and demonstrate your loyalty to Israel and its army.