
Showing 1-23 out of 23 items
Showing 1-23 out of 23 items

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Jewish Prayer Book / Siddur

The Jewish Prayer Book, or Siddur, is used a few times each day, for the three main daily prayers, and for various other occasions, such as Grace after Meals. We have a diverse stock of Prayerbooks with translation into German, Spanish, French, Russian, and also the two main types, Sefard and Ashkenaz. The translation is side by side in clear print. Our illustrated Siddur for children is attractive and is sure to keep their interest during prayer services. Another important feature is size, with some preferring a small pocket size, and yet others wanting a larger version. The Machzor is a prayer book for the Jewish Holidays which we have in Hebrew. There are Machzorim for the High Holidays, Passover, Sukkot and Shavuot, the main Jewish holidays.

Psalms / Tehillim

Tehillim was written by that sweet singer of Israel, King David. The beautiful prayers were composed at various stages of his life, varying from exultant praise to G-d to pleas for his life. Through the ages, the Psalms have been recited at times of persecution and times of joy. The items we feature here vary from the hand crafted medieval style by Jack Jaget, to a tiny pocket or Tefillin bag version. We offer the Psalms with translation into French, German, English and Spanish. It is said in the Medrash that when King David wrote the Psalms, he meant them to be used by himself and for every Jew in every generation and in every circumstance. Many of these beautiful and poetic prayers have been made part of the daily, Shabbat and Holiday services.

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1 Imrei Baruch st. Bnei Brak 56109 Israel