Modeh Ani - Jewish Prayer Songs Audio CD

Modeh Ani - Jewish Prayer Songs Audio CD
Modeh Ani - Jewish Prayer Songs Audio CD
Modeh Ani - Jewish Prayer Songs Audio CD
Modeh Ani - Jewish Prayer Songs Audio CD

Modeh Ani - Jewish Prayer Songs Audio CD


Product Description

This CD, featuring songs from the traditional Jewish Prayer Book is appropriately called, “Modeh Ani.” One of the first prayers a Jewish child is taught, it expresses thanks to G-d for granting the gift of a new day of life. Play regularly this musical version of many of the traditional and most famous prayers and your children will effortlessly learn them off by heart. Lyrics are included.


SKU: KDG-10186


Copyright 2002-today
1 Imrei Baruch st. Bnei Brak 56109 Israel